
About the Questionnaire Project

It is interesting to know how other people think about us.  One of our aims is to understand demerit of ourselves through other people’s comments.  Therefore there are choices which carry negative meanings e.g. Hong Kong people are arrogant.  However, it is glad that we receive more valuable comments left by people doing the survey.  This helps us to consolidate our ideas and generates a ‘positive’ result.

Many other classmates did their masterpieces based on topics which they are familiar with, such as comics.  Personally, I seldom read comics and know little about it.  However, after their presentation, I think that I have to spend more time on reading it as the comic culture accounts for a representative position in Japanese culture.  Also, I admire their sincerity in accomplishing the project.

Although we try to avoid questions which may lead to difficulties in drawing conclusion, there is still unclear content e.g. MTR and inappropriate concept that we presupposed Japanese to be familiar, no matter if they had been to Hong Kong or not.  Therefore, more instructions of doing survey is recommended for better outcome of the questionnaire, so that we can gather information in a more systematic way, and hence be able to draw conclusion base on what we observe from the data.

Leaving comments on other’s blogs and peers’ presentation help us to train up the skill of communication.  Conversation is carried out through the expression of one’s feeling, and in turn interaction of the other party is essential for the continuity of the conversation.  This is the way how Japanese communicate with each other.  This is what I learnt these years. あいづちをうたないと絡みづらく思われてしまいます。

1 件のコメント:

  1. I can't agree more to the last sentence
    I also think that giving response to what people have said does help to maintain good atmosphere for the continuity of the conversation
